Where are
you now?
Where do you want to go?
How do you get there?
A Brighter Approach to Healthcare
The degenerative diseases of aging – heart attacks, cancer, strokes, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease – prematurely kill and disable millions of people needlessly. Fortunately, more than 75% of these diseases can be prevented. Traditional medical practices focus on mitigating the symptoms of disease once they appear. Dr Jay's practice model is based on a whole new experience of medical care that places emphasis on risk assessment, disease process reversal, and healing of the whole being. This forward looking, enlightened approach will limit your exposure to diseases, reduce your need for medications, improve outcomes from necessary procedures and improve your overall health and well-being.
It is critical to have a Guide to help you find your current position, help chart a course toward healthy shores, and avoid the hidden shoals and reefs of disease and injuries that can beset you on your voyage. You will be in control and Dr Jay will work in partnership with you to provide clarity of purpose and support in a warm and immersive environment. You will be provided personalized attention with a head to toe and heart to soul evaluation. We will collaborate with your current physicians and specialists to access a broad network for complementary treatments.
Together we can assess your current state of health, determine potential dangers ahead and chart a clear course to a long, healthy, and happy life. With me as your Physician Guide, you will have a completely different and wonderful experience in true Healthcare. I look forward to joining you on your journey to Wellness!

Dr. Jay will provide...
The tools you need for a long and healthy life.
Strength, Flexibility and Endurance testing
Nutritional assessment and support for Wellness
Lifestyle Guidance
Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
"Prehab" for surgical or medical treatments
Medication reduction or elimination
Coordinated care with your PMD or Specialist