Our weight is something that we have been trying to control for the last 40
years, mostly since the advent of processed food
Try to think of our weight as simply a number and not use it as a goal or a measure of fitness
We can be healthy, but plump or thin and unfit and unhealthy
Our goal is to became lean and strong and healthy
Let the lower number be a side effect rather than the goal!
Our bodies like homeostasis – that is, we get to a certain set weight that is hard to change
So how do we gain and lose weight?
The simple answer is (food in) – (calories burned) X (metabolic rate) X (the x factor)
Food in!
Follow my thoughts below
Calories burned!
Exercise regularly
Walk the stairs, park farther away, etc.
Keep moving
Build muscles as they burn calories even at rest
Metabolic rate controls how efficient we are at processing foods
Talk to me about possible thyroid hormonal imbalance
Consistently change your eating and exercise to reset to a faster metabolism
Avoid radical diets and exercise programs!
If you are in preservation mode and you will hold on to fat, not lose it
The X Factor – the complex interaction of depression, stress, pain, anxiety, etc. that governs our hormones
Stress hormones play a significant role in our metabolism
Adequate sleep allows our body to stay out of preservation mode
Stay hydrated!
Journal what you eat and how you feel and change appropriately
Our hormonal balance is very important for weight management
Cortisol - The stress hormone
If we are in “Fight or Flight” mode, we will hold on to calories to use in crises
Important to reduce stress by meditation and exercise
Testosterone is important for metabolic rate
Helps build muscle that burns calories
Estrogen/Progesterone balance
Healthy levels promote muscle and burn fat
Thyroid – THE metabolic hormone
Sets our thermostat
Directs cells to burn or save calories
Nutritional Concepts
First – make sure that you are Hungry!
Drink a glass of water. Sometimes being thirsty mimics hunger
Choose Wisely
Listen to your body closely to feel what it really wants
Make sure that what you have on hand to eat is healthy
Eliminate the “junk” food accessible to you
Have a bag of nuts available
Have fruit or veggies on hand to snack on
Go for a walk or exercise to reduce your hunger
Decide how much food you want to eat and take only that amount
Don’t just leave the whole bag open!
Avoid “diet” food
Avoid preservatives
Avoid sweeteners
Eat “whole foods”, not processed
What to do when eating out?
Decide whether this is a “blow it” meal
Ask for the dressing on the side and then use sparingly
Ask for alternatives to cream based sauces
Split a main course with someone
Eat only healthy side dishes
Ask for a “to go” box when your food arrives and put ½ of your meal in the box
Most restaurants over-feed us
Ask for low salt options as if you have high blood pressure
Most meals out have 2-10 times the recommended salt!
Zig Zag your calorie reduction
Reduce your overall consumption of calories by 10-20%
But, 3 days a week eat much less than that
And, 4 days a week eat 0-15% less calories than you need
Eat S L O W L Y!
This allows the food to be broken down better for digestion
Gives your stomach time to feedback your fullness level to your brain
Increase the efficiency of our digestion
Eat less to get the same nutrients
Amylase helps in metabolizing carbohydrates
Lipase helps in metabolizing fats
Bromelain from pineapple helps break down proteins
How to help our gut help us!
We have trillions of bacteria in our gut
Probiotics help to reshape the kinds of bacteria are in our gut
They control our appetite
Our immune system is thought to be 90% related to our gut “biome”
At least 10 Billion CFU’s
Try to find one with as many strains as possible (10)