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  • Capitola-What are Stem Cells? | Rejuvenate Medi-Spa

    What Are Stem Cells? Stem cells are cells with the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body. They serve as a repair system for the body. There are two main types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. We only use Adult Stem Cells (ASC) because of ethical reasons as well as easy availability from healthy newborn baby umbilical cords. ASCs are undifferentiated cells found living within specific differentiated tissues in our bodies that can renew themselves or generate new cells that can replenish dead or damaged tissue. You may also see the term “somatic stem cell” used to refer to adult stem cells. Stem cells are different from other cells in the body in three ways: They can divide and renew themselves over a long time; They are unspecialized, so they cannot do specific functions in the body; They have the potential to become specialized cells, such as muscle cells, blood cells, and brain cells. Stem cells are the foundation cells for every organ and tissue in our bodies. The highly specialized cells that make up these tissues originally came from an initial pool of stem cells formed shortly after fertilization. Throughout our lives, we continue to rely on stem cells to replace injured tissues and cells that are lost every day, such as those in our skin, hair, blood, and the lining of our gut. Our joints and tendons lose access to our stem cells as we get older and development ends in puberty. That is why we have difficulty healing injuries in our knees and shoulders, for example Where do they Come From? Mesenchymal stem cells can reduce inflammation, instigate our body to repair damaged tissues and sometimes replace damaged or lost tissues. Mesenchymal stem cells are taken from the placentas of healthy newborn babies who, along with their parents, have been tested and cleared for infectious diseases and genetic abnormalities. Because they are biologically younger, they don’t react with your own tissue and are more robust in their response to injuries Advantages of umbilical cord tissue: ​ Supplement and replace damaged or inadequate connective tissue and cells utilizing regenerative molecules. Modulates and reduces the inflammation of the injured area with anti-inflammatory cytokines. Incorporates with the damaged tissue at the site of injury without rejection due to immunosuppressive properties. Provides a complete range of natural cellular scaffolding and growth factors to promote the regenerative process. Does not require invasive procedures like bone marrow aspiration, or adipose tissue extraction, resulting in shorter procedure time and faster recovery with less pain These stem cells are much younger than those found in your body, and therefore they have more capacity to repair damage and are less susceptible to degenerative disease. Rejuvenate Uses Vitti Labs as a source of Stem Cells and Exosomes Vitti labs is FDA certified and approved for its acquisition and use of it's products including WJ Pure, Dr Jay's source of Stem Cells for joint injections. They can even be given intravenously (IV) for system illnesses. Dr Jay chose Vitti labs because of their focus on safety and purity of product. Here is a PDF that has a list of all the infectious diseases that they check for. In addition, all of the donors are screened for genetic issues. Here is a link to all of the studies that they are participating in!

  • Capitola-Regenerative Therapy | Rejuvenate Medi-Spa

    Regenerative Therapies Stem Cells & Exosomes Regenerative therapy is healing non-functioning cells in a process of replacing and renewing human cells and tissues for the purpose of restoring your optimal body function. This may include the use of stem cells in a medically appropriate and individualized manner or Exosomes. Both of these amazing therapies contain all of the instructions and tools your body needs to start to heal itself including cellular scaffolds, growth factors, cytokines and specialty molecules to help recover, rebuild and renew. Cytokines are signals that tell the stem cells and growth factors what to do and what to become. Growth factors include collagen, a key building block for joints and connective tissues, amino acids to help build proteins, and other growth factors that stimulate tissue development Are you tired of hearing... “You’ve got bone on bone, there’s nothing that can be done.” “Surgery is your only option from here.” “We just don’t know what else to do for you.” “There’s a new medication that might help.” “Knee replacements work really well, why not just get it done? “We can inject steroids for inflammation” ​​ What Can Stem Cells Be Used For? ​ When injected into the site of an injury, mesenchymal stem cells have the amazing ability to reduce inflammation, induce our body’s own stem cells to repair damaged tissue and in some cases actually turn into the tissues that have been damaged or lost. Stem cell therapy can be used to treat... Muscle, ligament and tendon injuries Arthritis of the knee, hip and shoulders Back pain, degenerative disc disease Rotator cuff issues, golfers and tennis elbow Medical conditions such as COPD, asthma, tremors and MS Advantages of Stem Cell Therapies: ​ Supplement and replace damaged or inadequate connective tissue and cells utilizing regenerative molecules. Modulates and reduces the inflammation of the injured area with anti-inflammatory cytokines. Incorporates with the damaged tissue at the site of injury without rejection due to immunosuppressive properties. Provides a complete range of natural cellular scaffolding and growth factors to promote the regenerative process. Does not require invasive procedures like bone marrow aspiration, or adipose tissue extraction, resulting in shorter procedure time and faster recovery with less pain. These stem cells are much younger than those found in your body, and therefore they have more capacity to repair damage and are less susceptible to degenerative disease. Advantages of Exosome Therapies: Exosomes are regarded as the purest form of cellular signaling available because their function is to direct tissue and wound healing by activating cell responses. This is the newest generation of naturally bioactive products for regenerative therapies. Exosomes induce changes in nearby cells that create the appropriate healing environment and aid in tissue repair. As the technology and discovery of new methods of treating patients has evolved, scientific evidence shows that the optimal way to provide true regenerative therapy is to directly provide the signals as its own therapy and avoid potential issues with delivering and keeping transplanted cells alive. The 1,000+ regulatory proteins, RNAs and other biomolecules found to naturally occur in ExoFlo have been shown preclinically to help modulate inflammatory healing processes. This is accomplished by activating and recruiting local cells to revascularize the area and reduce the inflammatory response to allow natural healing. Potential Treatments Using Exosome Therapy: Exosomes may help regulate processes within the body. Patients with Covid-19 or Long Covid, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease and other chronic degenerative diseases may benefit from including exosomes in their treatment regimen. Exosomes may also be beneficial as part of an anti-aging therapy. Patient with degenerative joint disease have also benefitted from the use of exosomes. Lyme Disease is a very complex disease, caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria, which compromises the immune system. Tick-borne disease can also come with multiple co-infections. A combination of factors causes the onset of illness as immune system functions become disrupted leading to diminishing cellular health, immune function, metabolic function and dramatically increasing inflammation. Many Lyme patients often have dysfunction of the mast cells, increasing their inflammatory response. Inflammation is a central player in most neurodegenerative diseases as well. Incorporating exosomes into a multi modality treatment regimen may help break the inflammatory cycle and provide the body with necessary cellular information to facilitate healing.

  • What Our Clients Are Saying | Rejuvenate Medi-Spa

    What Our Clients Are Saying Please take a look at what our past clients have said about our injectors and our team in general. We strive for the highest quality and expertise in our care, as well as having the latest and greatest equipment. Please feel free to leave your own feedback as we love opportunities to make our practice evenPlease take a look at what our past clients have said about our injectors and our team in general. We strive for the highest quality and expertise in our care, as well as having the latest and greatest equipment. Please feel free to leave your own feedback as we love opportunities to make our practice even better

  • Capitola Therapy for Pain and Injuries | Rejuvenate Medi-Spa

    Regenerative Therapy for Pain and Injuries Alternative Solutions to an Injury ​ Advanced regenerative medicine using stem cells can help your body to heal itself. These cellular therapies have the ability to direct your own body to replace damaged or inadequate tissues and cells. Wharton's Jelly contain stem cells and growth factors harvested from healthy babies' placenta tissue and are far more robust than the stem cells from your own aging body. ​ Proven Program Benefits ​ Prevent or delay need for surgery Healing time cut down by as much as 50% Anti-Inflammatory / Pain management Repair muscles, ligaments and cartilage in body Shorten recovery time from extreme workout Non Surgical Therapy ​ Active athletes can’t afford the downtime of surgery. Our rapid recovery program is nonsurgical, requiring only an intramuscular (IM) injection or direct injection into the knee or shoulder by your doctor and utilizes what is considered the gold standard of stem cells that are expertly procured. These cells are young, robust, have the most healing power and don’t require the surgical downtime that other stem cell procedures require such as bone marrow and adipose (fat) require. ​ Common Sports Injuries Treated ​ Ligament Tears Knee / Meniscus Damage Muscle Tears Nerve Injury Rotator Cuff Injury Tendon Tears Ligament Tears Knee / Meniscus Damage Muscle Tears Nerve Injury Rotator Cuff Injury Tendon Tears ​ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ​ Is it safe? The products are rigorously tested to FDA guidelines. Thousands of patients have used these regenerative therapies with no adverse effects. ​ How long does the procedure take? Depending upon the area being treated, the procedure can be completed in an office visit. Your doctor will be able to provide details specific to your specific treatment. ​ Does the procedure hurt? The injectable therapies do not require any invasive procedures, resulting in less pain and a shorter procedure time. When will I feel the benefits? Depending upon the severity of the injury and your personal health, recovery time can vary. Patients have shown improvement in pain and mobility in 2-4 weeks. Your doctor can provide more information.

  • Laser & RF Treatments | Rejuvenate Medi-Spa | Capitola, CA 95010

    RF MicroNeedlingTreatments for Tone and Texture, Wrinkle Reduction The New Microneedling Treatment That Smooths, Tightens, and Lifts ​ Because your skin and body couldn’t get ANY MORE gorgeous, here comes Potenza RF Microneedling, the world’s first FDA-cleared four-mode radiofrequency (RF) microneedling system that delivers a variety of customized treatments on one single device. ​ Potenza is a skin revitalizing microneedling treatment by CynoSure Lasers. Potenza effectively targets and minimizes these skin conditions: ​ Loose and sagging skin (fine lines too) Scarring tissue of any kind Sun damage; melasma; uneven skin tone Deep lines and wrinkles Stretch marks; skin laxity Persistent inflammation; acne Potenza consists of ultrafine needles and uses RF energy to penetrate the top layer of the skin and trigger the body’s natural healing process to regenerate new collagen and elastin. Unlike many skin revitalization devices and treatments on the market, Potenza treatments can be performed on all skin types, all skin tones, and almost any external part of the face and body with the use of a microneedling device. ​ How does Potenza Work and What Does it Feel Like? ​ A topical numbing cream will be applied prior to the Potenza Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling treatment. Once the skin is sufficiently numb, the microneedling process begins using the Potenza device with ultra-fine needles that penetrate the skin. Some may feel a mild sting, a warm sensation, and light pressure from the needles as the device moves over the treatment area. Most Potenza RF Microneedling treatments take less than 45 minutes. ​ Pinpoint bleeding is completely normal and does not last long. It is best to avoid alcohol the night before the treatment and the day of to minimize any inflammation of the skin. Drink plenty of water, avoid hot water on the treated area(s), and wear fabric that is loose and breathable on your body. After washing/cleansing the face and body — do not tug at the skin; instead, gently pat the skin dry (a good rule of thumb for general everyday care). Potenza Helps with Skin Laxity The RF energy penetrates to the dermal layers and boosts collagen and elastin production. This Rejuvenates the skin and tightens areas of laxity! Potenza helps tighten and brighten skin RF MicroNeedling stimulates regrowth of the dermal layers and reversing the signs of aging skin Potenza's energy Heals Acne The energy kills off bacteria in the pore and reduces inflammation , pore size and heals old scars

  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy | Rejuvenate Medi-Spa Capitola, CA 95010

    Testosterone Replacement Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone secreted by the testicles and adrenal glands. Testosterone is responsible for male sexual development and is critical in maintaining erectile function, libido, normal energy levels and mood and building muscles and burning fat. It is responsible for supporting immune function, bone density and skin tone. As men get older, testosterone levels decline from their peak at around 30 years old. Total testosterone drops as we age, but more importantly the bio-active form, free T, drops dramatically with age. In addition to age, increased estrogen levels and insulin resistance in men can also cause a drop in free testosterone levels. Body fat is a source of aromatase that converts testosterone to estrogen in men, so being overweight increases the likelihood of low T. ​ Andropause is the male equivalent of female menopause and is the result of diminished levels of T in the body along with a relative increase in estrogen. Symptoms present slowly, and decreased levels of testosterone can lead to physical changes including the following: increased body fat, decreased strength/mass of muscles fragile bones and decreased body hair swelling/tenderness in the breast tissue with hot flashes lower energy levels, insomnia and other changes in your sleep patterns. feelings of sadness or depression, trouble with memory and concentration and lowered motivation and self-confidence Want to know if you may benefit from treatment? Follow this link to fill out a questionnaire that Dr Jay will review and then contact you with your result and options. ​ ​ ​ ​ Testosterone deficiency also has negative health consequences as it is a necessary hormone for our overall health and longevity. Common conditions associated with low T are: heart disease and hypertension elevated cholesterol and LDL cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease prostate cancer ​ What you can do about low T ​ We will start our focus on stress reduction as elevated cortisol (the stress hormone) can limit testosterone production and increase hormone binding, so it is not available. Getting the proper amount of sleep can also help boost testosterone levels and help with weight loss. Nutrition is paramount and we can help guide you to healthier food choices so that you are not blocking your testosterone or creating inflammation that lowers its potency. Finally, we will come up with an exercise plan that will help you boost muscle mass and reduce adipose (fat) that is converting your T into estrogen! In addition, we offer supplements to help your body produce more T, and supplements that can protect your prostate and convert less T into estrogen. ​ Testosterone Replacement Therapy ​ Testosterone replacement is easy, and Dr. Jay is highly trained in offering you treatment options. Each client has his replacement therapy targeted to their particular needs and desires. Dr Jay offers prescriptions for creams and shots so that after a discussion, you can choose the method that works best for you! Low T Questionnaire

  • About Us | Capitola, CA 95010 | Rejuvenate Medi-Spa & Wellness

    Locations Rejuvenate Medi-Spa & Wellness All Services and Providers 1595 38th Ave, Capitola, CA 95010 ​ ​ Rejuvenate Medi-Spa in Aptos Botox/Dysport and Filler with Kim, RN and Jillian, RN 9051 Soquel Drive, Suite F, Aptos, CA ​ ​ ​ Staff Dr. Jay Pennock, MD Jay Pennock, MD is a board certified Emergency Medicine Physician with over 20 years’ experience in the Emergency Department. Dr. Jay has developed new, effective patient-centered medical care at Navigator Medical Consultancy practicing Functional Medicine. He specializes in Hormone Replacement Therapy for men and women, Alzheimer's prevention and treatment, and weight loss. Dr. Jay opened Rejuvenate Medi-Spa in 2017 to compliment the work of Navigator Medical. His goal is to help his clients look as good on the outside as they feel on the inside. He specializes in CoolSculpting and Stem Cell Therapy. Dr Jay is proud to have the best practitioners in the area working at Rejuvenate and is always looking for the most advanced treatments for his clients. Stacy Mognoni, PA-C ​ Stacy is a board-certified Physician Assistant who graduated from Nova Southeastern University in 1999. Stacy has been practicing emergency medicine for over 14 years and recently decided to shift her practice to Aesthetic Medicine. Over this time, she has mastered injection techniques and facial procedures doing complicated laceration repairs on the face, gaining knowledge of facial anatomy and aesthetics. Known for her calm, gentle touch, clinical expertise and artistic eye, Stacy delivers highly personalized care to her clients. Stacy is thrilled to be part of Rejuvenate MediSpa. Trained by Allergan, Stacy is passionate about helping her clients feel happy by enhancing their natural beauty. ​ ​ Shannon Loiler, RN ​ Shannon is a Registered Nurse who graduated from Cabrillo College Nursing Program in 2010 and also has a BS from Sacramento State University. Shannon comes to us from a local, well-known plastic surgeon’s office where she was able to learn all aspects of aesthetic nursing. She has been able train with some of the best aesthetic injectors in the country. “I love continuing to evolve in my industry, and constantly adding to my knowledge by keeping up with the newest uses for neuromodulators (like Botox), dermal fillers, and the latest advanced injection techniques. This, coupled with my artistic eye, helps me give each client the optimal results they envision. I offer thorough consultations during which I will assess, listen to your individual needs, and provide you with knowledge and education about the treatments you receive.” Her main goal is to make sure every client leaves feeling amazing. Shannon says, “It’s a great feeling to love what you do each day!” In her free time, Shannon enjoys scuba diving, traveling and spending time with family at the beach. ​ ​ Sarah Lastition, LE Sarah is a results-driven Licensed Aesthetician and a BS in economics from UCSC. She has distinguished strengths in enhancing patient’s personal appearance using the latest technology and medical grade skincare. She possesses a talent for analyzing skin, performing extractions and determining a successful treatment plan for the best result. Sarah is trained in many aesthetics modalities including; DermaSweep, Hydrafacial, Microdermabrasion, Micro Current, LED, High Frequency, Galvanic and more. She is a chemical peel expert and a Certified PCA Skincare Specialist. Sarah is also a Certified Lash Extension Technician and an expert waxing professional. Sarah has a pleasant personality with a proven track record of practicing safe, effective and hygienic aesthetics. She delivers a bespoke experience that is undeniably unique for every guest. She listens to your specific requests and concerns to provide a level of personalized service that is truly unmatched. When Sarah is not working, she is busy with her two young children, her husband, and her dog. She has lived in Santa Cruz for over twenty years and enjoys reading, walking on the beach and family time. Amelia Escalante ​ Amelia is a graduate of UC Santa Barbara where she earned a degree in Environmental Science. She played tennis for UCSB, as well as on the tour. Amelia brings to the office a warm personality and a passion for “living your best life.” She and her family opened and own multiple restaurants in Santa Barbara, where she honed her managerial skills and love of working with people. When Amelia is not working, she loves spending time with her two children and watching them compete in their sports activities. She also loves spending time with her friends, as well as taking walks with her dog. Kim Calerdine, RN Kim was born and raised in Malibu, California and has lived and worked in Santa Cruz for over 30 years. Once Kim earned her RN degree, she began developing her patient care excellence in the Critical Care units of local hospitals. With an interest in aesthetics and skin health, Kim moved into the aesthetics field. She has spent the last 18 years as an aesthetic injector locally, as well as being a trainer and consultant for Allergan Medical Institute. Kim’s true passion is at the bedside, providing skilled, gentle, and safe care to address skin and aging concerns in a way that is individualized and natural. Kim is excited to join the team at Rejuvenate Medi-Spa, where the focus is on wellness as well as aesthetics. Kim believes that integrating mind, body and spirit is what brings out our true beauty and allows us to thrive. When not working, Kim loves spending time with her grandchildren and family. Kim’s passions are all types of dance, especially ballet, as well as cooking, hiking, and gardening. Jillian Matejcek, RN Jillian is a Santa Cruz native and has been an Aesthetic and Dermatology RN for over eight years. She is very passionate about her career and delivers pristine results in a safe and conservative way. She is well versed in neuromodulators, dermal fillers, medical grade skincare and has worked with a multitude of skin revitalization platforms and lasers over the years. In her free time she enjoys quick getaways, quality time with her daughter, friends and family, and usually isn’t too far away from the beach. Loryn Vyvyan, LE Loryn has been a skilled and talented esthetician for 18 years. After receiving her BS in Exercise Physiology and working in a corporate setting for years, she pursued her dream of being an esthetician and entrepreneur. She owned and managed an elite spa in San Francisco for 8 years then decided to return to her core passion of working one on one with clients. She is driven by individual connection and helping others reach their skincare and beauty goals. She combines artistry, chemistry and psychology to deliver custom treatments for her clients. During Facials, she achieves results through science-based products and clinical procedures while addressing each person holistically. As a Waxing Specialist, she brings artistry to the brows, comfort to the brazilians and everything in between. She offer Airbrush Tanning for those that need a little glow, and Lash Extensions and Lash Lifts for those wanting a little glam. Loryn truly finds joy and gratitude every day in her career. Loryn lives in Capitola and is a mother of 2. When she is not helping other achieve their beauty goals, enjoys cooking, hiking, dancing, volunteering in classrooms and traveling. Stacy Takahashi Stacy is a CoolSculpting University and CoolSculpting Master Certified Provider. She was Top CoolSculpting Provider in the State of California for 2021 and 2022. Stacy has performed over 2,000 treatments and has a reputation for delivering top results and truly caring for her patients. Stacy pays high attention to detail and focuses on the contours of her client’s body while executing individualized treatment plans. She believes strongly in continuing her training and education so that she stays current with the latest technology while honing her skills and expand her knowledge. She received her BA in Communications and spent the earlier part of her career in Tech at Google before making the switch to Aesthetics. She is AMI CFC Certified as well as a Golden Key and Phi Kappa Phi Member. In her spare time, she can be found riding her motorcycle and working on her house. Emilie Stevens, MA ​ Emilie graduated from UCLA in June of 2023 with a BS in Neuroscience. She is preparing to apply to medical school and looks forward to starting this next phase of her education. As the newest member of the Rejuvenate family, Emilie is working as a Medical Assistant. After thorough training, she can provide Rejuvenate clients with a variety of vitamin injections, prep clients for treatments with the staff as well as assist patients with their Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber appointments. Emilie is thrilled to be back in her hometown of Santa Cruz and looks forward to working with the Rejuvenate Team to provide quality care to the Santa Cruz community.

  • Safe Menopause Therapy | Rejuvenate Medi-Spa & Wellness Capitola, CA 95010

    Safe Menopause Management Menopause is like taxes - unavoidable, but there is no reason to suffer ​ Menopause is the descriptive term used as women age and their ovaries start producing less of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. This starts at an average age of 45, but is variable based on genetics, environment and your overall health. Perimenopause is the beginning of the reduced production and can last from 12 months up to five years in most women. Symptoms will slowly resolve as you enter the post-menopausal phase, but the lack of hormones going forward can cause many issues. What does menopause feel like? These are some of the very common symptoms: ​ Irregular periods Hot flushes and night sweats Vaginal dryness, loss of libido and tender breasts Bloating, weight gain and digestive issues Mood swings, depression, irritability and headaches Burning tongue, gum issues Difficulty with sleep, concentration, memory and fatigue Changes in skin, nails, muscle soreness Why is important to address these falling hormone levels? Estrogen is critical to the function of the heart and blood vessels, brain health and bone maintenance. In addition, progesterone is protective against breast, uterine and ovarian cancer and testosterone is needed for muscle, heart and brain health. It is important for us to address all of these hormones in a safe and effective way to avoid: ​ Osteoporosis and fractures Alzheimer’s and other dementias and cognitive decline Heart disease and heart failure Strokes Is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) safe? Yes! There has been some controversy regarding HRT in the past with conflicting studies. The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) was a large study over many years, and showed an increase in cardiac events and cancers, but the WHI study had women start HRT 10 years after menopause and used synthetic progesterone and horse estrogen, not bio-identical hormones. More recent studies using bio-identical hormones in women closer to menopause showed no such increase in heart attacks and in fact had a reduction in Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and cancers. What is Bio-Identical HRT? Unlike the synthetic or equine hormones noted above, bio-identical hormones are structurally identical to our own hormones, so they bind to the receptors as intended and are metabolized in our body into non-toxic substances. Thus, we get the effect that we want for our overall health and well-being, without the dreaded side effects. There are commercially available patches, pills and creams as well as compounded creams and gels that can be tailored specifically to the clients needs. Depending on your labs and symptoms, Dr Jay can prescribe you the perfect combination of Progesterone, Estrogen and Testosterone to reclaim your youth and vigor. Estrogen Balance Checker

  • Dr. Jay's Approach to Health | Rejuvenate Medi-Spa & Wellness

    Where are you now? Where do you want to go? How do you get there? A Brighter Approach to Healthcare The degenerative diseases of aging – heart attacks, cancer, strokes, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease – prematurely kill and disable millions of people needlessly. Fortunately, more than 75% of these diseases can be prevented. Traditional medical practices focus on mitigating the symptoms of disease once they appear. Dr Jay's practice model is based on a whole new experience of medical care that places emphasis on risk assessment, disease process reversal, and healing of the whole being. This forward looking, enlightened approach will limit your exposure to diseases, reduce your need for medications, improve outcomes from necessary procedures and improve your overall health and well-being. It is critical to have a Guide to help you find your current position, help chart a course toward healthy shores, and avoid the hidden shoals and reefs of disease and injuries that can beset you on your voyage. You will be in control and Dr Jay will work in partnership with you to provide clarity of purpose and support in a warm and immersive environment. You will be provided personalized attention with a head to toe and heart to soul evaluation. We will collaborate with your current physicians and specialists to access a broad network for complementary treatments. Together we can assess your current state of health, determine potential dangers ahead and chart a clear course to a long, healthy, and happy life. With me as your Physician Guide, you will have a completely different and wonderful experience in true Healthcare. I look forward to joining you on your journey to Wellness! Dr. Jay will provide... The tools you need for a long and healthy life. ​ Strength, Flexibility and Endurance testing Nutritional assessment and support for Wellness Lifestyle Guidance Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy "Prehab" for surgical or medical treatments Medication reduction or elimination Coordinated care with your PMD or Specialist Check out Dr. Jay's favorite supplements! Order online and save up to 20% off retail!

  • Chemical Peels | Capitola, CA 95010 | Rejuvenate Medi-Spa

    Chemical Peels These expertly applied peels exfoliate dead skin cells and help healthy skin cells rise to the surface. These treatments allow deeper layers of fresh and untouched skin to be revealed. The result of monthly treatments can even skin tone, clear acne, improve the appearance of aging skin and make dull complexions glow. Peels are safe for all skin types, and our certified professionals are trained to identify what treatment combination is safe for each person’s skin in order for patients to reap the greatest benefits. Professional peels are increasingly effective with pre- and post-treatment care, balancing your skin before the peel and nurturing it after the treatment. This treatment infuses potent and restorative, age-reversing ingredients to correct and erase signs of premature aging and stress. Stem Cells, Peptides and Vitamins A & C, can be blended with serums tailored to your specific needs for great results and zero downtime. ​ ​The Perfect Derma™ Peel ​ ​The Perfect Derma™ Peel is safe, effective medium depth peel for All Skin Types & Ethnicities. This product is virtually painless, with no pre-peel skin preparation and little downtime. The Perfect Derma™ Peel is the only peel that includes the powerful anti-oxidant Glutathione, which lightens and brightens the skin, slows down the aging process and helps prevent wrinkles. ​ PCA Skin Perfecting Peels (30 minutes) PCA Sensi Peel This Peel is great for even the most sensitive skin, those new to peels and those with sensitive skin conditions. Sensi Peel from PCA Skin was formulated as a unique peeling option for all patients. This gentle 6% TCA solution will improve surface texture and brighten the skin while helping to promote an even skin tone. This multi-faceted and skin-brightening treatment is an excellent option for sensitive skin. PCA Ultra Peel This peel has been specially formulated to treat maturing skin, yet is appropriate for many other skin types, conditions and sensitivities. It will help improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while promoting an even skin tone and clear complexion. It contains lactic acid (an alpha hydroxy acid found in milk) which helps moisturizes the skin, 10% TCA (a superficial peeling agent), kojic acid and azelaic acid which help promote even pigmentation and are tyrosinase inhibitors. This peel is great for all skin types and most ideal for aging skin. PCA Peel with Hydroquinone This enhanced Jessner’s formula is for those who want an even skin tone and have no sensitivity to hydroquinone. This peel helps promote an even skin tone and a clear complexion. This peel contains lactic acid (14%), salicylic acid (14%) a calming lipophilic beta hydroxy acid that promotes a clear complexion, kojic acid (3%) which helps promote an even skin tone, and hydroquinone (2%) which also helps promote a clear even complexion. This Peel is suitable for all skin types except sensitive skin and is an excellent treatment option for those with dark spots left behind by breakouts. PCA Peel with Hydroquinone & Resorcinol This is our most potent and enhanced Jessner Peel. This peel will even skin tone and provides more exfoliation for oilier, thicker and more resilient skin types. It is extremely effective on sun-damaged and thickened skin. It is also excellent for those with active or cystic acne and asphyxiated skin (dry on the surface, oily underneath), or those who require deeper treatment. Contains lactic acid (AHA) (14%) which protects the skin's moisture, salicylic acid (14%) a BHA to calm and disinfect, kojic acid (3%) to even skin tone, hydroquinone (2%) to also promote even skin and Resorcinol (14%) which is a peeling agent. This Peel is suitable for all skin types except sensitive and may offer extreme peeling.

  • Your Journey to Wellness | Rejuvenate Medi-Spa & Wellness

    Where are you now? Are you worried about your future? Maybe you or someone you know has arthritis or even diabetes, some heart disease, or cancer. Are you preparing for major surgery or a major life-change? Or are you just curious about your current state of health, your strength and flexibility or your true “age”? We are given just one body for this life. It is our "Vessel" and you are its Captain. Over the course of our journey we can suffer damage from accidents or neglect. It’s easy to get lost or off course as you sail through the seas of life. As a Medical Doctor, I can work in collaboration with your primary care physician and any specialists to create a comprehensive picture of your vessel’s condition. Rejuvenate Medi-spa and Wellness provides a comfortable and relaxing environment where you can immerse yourself for a head to toe, stem to stern evaluation of your current state of health. Don’t we all want to be strong and healthy? So that we can watch our family grow and enter retirement vibrant and youthful? We have all seen the elderly couple, walking hand in hand, spry and sharp and wonder how they did it. You may think that you are stuck on a course to illness based on family history (“it’s in my genes”) or prior habits and circumstances. Some of us don’t really know that it is possible to reverse damage that has been done or avoid those dangers and chart a new course towards true health. Maybe you have tried before and failed, or the previous difficult "patches" have made you feel worse. It takes courage to change, and course corrections can be fraught with challenges. You need to recruit strong advocates to help you make difficult choices. The best guides can reveal the courage within you and help you through rough waters of life. Dr. Jay can help you chart a course away from sickness and disease and towards safer harbors of better health and longer life. Where do you want to go? How do you get there? Wouldn’t it be great if there was someone willing and able to partner with you in your quest? Let Dr. Jay's extensive clinical experience and personalized care help you discover for yourself that sustainable life changes are possible, and experience the self-healing powers of your own ‘Vessel’. We can start repairs, working with specialists in western and alternative medicine. We will identify obstacles in our way and gather resources and tools needed for a safe passage. Your guide will map out the safest and most evidence-based channels for you to navigate, reducing your disease risks and plotting a course to safer harbors that are healthier and happier. Rejuvenate Medi-spa and Wellness will serve as a beacon of light to eliminate the darkness of fear and doubt along the way so that you can achieve you goals for health and wellness!

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